Are you one of the exempt persons?


From March 18, 2025, all operational procedures to demonstrate or obtain an exemption, if necessary, will be published.


  • residents in the Municipality of Venice;
  • workers, including commuters:-employees who carry out their work activity, continuously or even temporarily, in the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice or in the other minor islands of the lagoon;-self-employed or entrepreneurs, having their business headquarters or domicile in the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice or in the other minor islands of the lagoon; -employees or self-employed and equivalent, or entrepreneurs who access, due to their work activity, the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice or the other minor islands of the lagoon;
  • students, including commuters, of schools of any order and degree, of university and post-university institutes that have their headquarters in the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice or in the other minor islands of the lagoon;   
  • subjects and members of the family units of subjects who have paid the IMU in the Municipality of Venice;
  • subjects staying in accommodation facilities referred to in article 2 of the Regulation of the tourist tax of the Municipality of Venice located within the municipal territory and suitable for providing, for any reason, paid hospitality of a temporary nature, insofar as they are subject to the tourist tax referred to in article 4, paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 14 March 2011, n. 23; this exemption is recognized from the day of arrival to the day of departure at the accommodation facility;
  • residents registered in the register of the temporary population referred to in article 32 of Presidential Decree 30 May 1989, n. 223;
  • subjects born in the Municipality of Venice;
  • residents in the Metropolitan City of Venice;
  • residents in the Veneto Region;
  • children under the age of 14;
  •  disabled persons, whose condition is certified in accordance with current Italian legislation pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 3 of Law no. 104 of 5 February 1992 or similar foreign legislation, and any accompanying person; 
  • subjects undergoing therapies or who must have a medical examination at health facilities located in the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice and in the other minor islands of the lagoon;   
  • subjects who assist or accompany patients at health facilities located in the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice and in the other minor islands of the lagoon;   
  • athletes and their companions who access the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice and the other minor islands of the lagoon in order to participate in sports competitions recognized by CONI, its Federations, or by Sports Promotion Bodies;   
  • subjects who access the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice and the other minor islands of the lagoon, through TPL lines specifically operated for exclusive transport to the sports facility, in order to attend the related sports competition;
  • public administrators and public authorities who go to the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice and the other minor islands of the lagoon for institutional reasons;
  • volunteers 1 who provide their service in the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice and in the other minor islands of the lagoon, on the occasion of events and/or 2 manifestations organized or sponsored by the Municipal Administration and those organized by the Metropolitan City of Venice and the Veneto Region, identified by resolution of the City Council;   
  • volunteers who provide their service in the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice and in the other minor islands of the lagoon in case of emergencies;
  • participants in paid events organized by the Municipal Administration or sponsored by the Municipal Administration identified by resolution of the City Council;
  • participants in events organized or sponsored by the Municipal Administration identified by resolution of the City Council;
  • personnel belonging to the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement, including personnel belonging to the National Fire Brigade, who access the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice and the other minor islands of the lagoon for service needs;
  • tenants and their members of the registry family unit, of a property located in the Municipality of Venice, provided that they have a residential lease agreement, for non-tourist use;
  • employees of public administrations assigned service accommodation in the Municipality of Venice and their members of the registry family unit;
  • people visiting the district or detention houses of the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice;
  • spouse, civilly united, cohabiting as declared pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 37, of Law 20 May 2016, n. 76, relatives or relatives up to the 3rd degree of residents in the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice or in the minor islands of the lagoon;
  • spouse, civilly united, cohabiting as declared pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 37, of Law 20 May 2016, n. 76, relatives or relatives up to the 3rd degree of the deceased, participating in the funeral in the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice or in the minor islands of the lagoon;
  • spouse, civilly united, cohabiting as declared pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 37, of Law 20 May 2016, n. 76, relatives or relatives up to the 3rd degree visiting subjects hosted in social-health facilities located in the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice or in the minor islands of the lagoon;   
  • parties to proceedings and persons summoned for reasons of justice at public or judicial offices located in the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice and in the other minor islands of the lagoon;   
  • subjects summoned to public offices located in the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice or in the other minor islands of the lagoon;
  • subjects who exclusively access the areas of the Ponte della Libertà, Piazzale Roma, Ferrovia di Santa Lucia and the area of direct connection with Piazzale Roma, Stazione Marittima, Stazione di San Basilio and Isola Nova del Tronchetto, limited to the time they remain there. The precise delimitations of these areas can be identified by the City Council with a specific resolution;
  • subjects who access areas identified by the City Council as areas of non-application of the access fee for reasons related to the management of control activities;
  • subjects who visit people residing in the ancient city or in the minor islands or people registered in the register of the temporary population with domicile in the ancient city or in the minor islands;
  • further eventual accesses of a temporary nature provided they are not for tourist purposes, authorized by resolution of the City Council;
  • students of upper secondary schools on trips or educational visits;
  • subjects who must go to the Municipality of Venice to participate in electoral or referendum consultations;
  • relatives and relatives within the 1st degree of natural persons owners of residential properties located in the Ancient City of the Municipality of Venice or in the minor islands of the lagoon and not intended for tourist rental;
  • relatives and relatives within the 3rd degree of a university student who access the ancient city of the Municipality of Venice to attend the thesis discussion.